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Advice You Need When Opening a Martial Arts Studio

Advice You Need When Opening a Martial Arts Studio

When you're considering opening a martial art studio, it's an exciting time. You have big plans and dreams. You want to share your knowledge of and love for martial arts with others. However, there's a lot involved in opening your own martial arts studio. 

You need to make a lot of decisions before you can start teaching students. First, you need[...]

What Are the Startup Costs Like for a New Martial Arts Gym?

What Are the Startup Costs Like for a New Martial Arts Gym?

So you're considering opening a new martial arts gym? There are many things to consider and decisions to make before you can take the next steps. If you're like almost everyone else who's considering opening a small business, money is an important factor. 

You know that you need a large cash reserve to open a new martial arts gym, but how much? This[...]

Is a Martial Arts Studio a Profitable Business?

Is a Martial Arts Studio a Profitable Business?

If you love one of the disciplines of martial arts, you might be considering opening your own martial arts studio. However, before you commit your time and resources, you want to know that a martial arts studio can become a profitable business. 

While the business plan for a martial arts studio looks a little different from that of a restaurant, yes,[...]

Leasing Gym Equipment vs. Buying

Leasing Gym Equipment vs. Buying

You need the right equipment in your gym to attract new clients and keep your current roster of members happy. As a gym manager or owner, you know that a gym is like any other small business. 

Cost of Leasing Commercial Gym Equipment

Cost of Leasing Commercial Gym Equipment

As a gym owner and manager, you're always thinking about equipment. Whether it's replacing a treadmill or adding a barbell set to decrease wait times, equipment is almost certainly at the center of your gym.

You want to offer your customers the latest and most updated models available. Top-quality gym equipment is one of the best ways to attract new[...]

Gym Types and the Insurance They Require

Gym Types and the Insurance They Require

As a gym owner or manager, you want to protect your business and ensure the safety of your staff and members. There are a variety of different types of gyms, and all of them need insurance. However, they don't all need the same types of insurance.

It can be confusing when you already have so many items on your to-do list to try and determine the type[...]

Gym Insurance Guide to Hurricane Season

Gym Insurance Guide to Hurricane Season

As late summer and early fall arrive, there's always the possibility of a tropical storm or a hurricane as hurricane season ramps up. A hurricane can bring wind gusts of up to 156 mph or more, depending on the category of the storm. Once the storm passes or if it stalls out over your area, you can have flooding. If you live in a coastal area or a[...]

Three Types of Workers' Compensation Insurance Gym Owners Should Consider

Three Types of Workers' Compensation Insurance Gym Owners Should Consider

When you own or manage a gym, you're in charge of making the most important decisions. From hiring new staff to what equipment to install, you need to handle it all. This includes insurance policies. 

How 24 Hour Gyms Differ When It Comes to Insurance

How 24 Hour Gyms Differ When It Comes to Insurance

When you own or manage a gym, you know that you need liability insurance at a bare minimum. A 24-hour gym also needs insurance but faces additional challenges. You probably opened a 24-hour gym to attract more customers and accommodate your customer base that doesn't work a traditional schedule. 

What to Look for in Gym Employees

What to Look for in Gym Employees

Your employees are a crucial aspect of your gym. They are the face of the brand when interacting with your clients. They also determine how well the gym runs, from keeping everything clean to helping gym members perfect their exercises and everything in-between. As such, they should be perfect in their roles.