People are often encouraged to go to the gym as part of a healthy lifestyle. However, a gym can be very intimidating if you aren’t sure how to use the equipment or if you’re worried about embarrassing or hurting yourself. This can be especially true for people with disabilities, who find that many gyms aren’t designed with them in mind. This,[...]

As exciting and rewarding as CrossFit training is, many enthusiasts turned gym owners assume operating a fitness business is easy. While for some, it is, but the truth of the matter is no amount of training can fully prepare anyone for the challenges they’ll encounter along the way, especially in light of the recent pandemic.

Importing CrossFit Equipment from China has become one of the most popular, yet affordable tactics facility owners utilize to manage their costs. After all, China is a global manufacturer of various low-cost products, many of which are much cheaper than what’s sold in the United States.

You need the right equipment in your gym to attract new clients and keep your current roster of members happy. As a gym manager or owner, you know that a gym is like any other small business.

As a gym owner and manager, you're always thinking about equipment. Whether it's replacing a treadmill or adding a barbell set to decrease wait times, equipment is almost certainly at the center of your gym.
You want to offer your customers the latest and most updated models available. Top-quality gym equipment is one of the best ways to attract new[...]

When you own or manage a gym, you know that you need liability insurance at a bare minimum. A 24-hour gym also needs insurance but faces additional challenges. You probably opened a 24-hour gym to attract more customers and accommodate your customer base that doesn't work a traditional schedule.

As a gym business owner, the costs of owning a gym can be endless. Everything from rent, utility bills, certifications, licenses, insurance, and staff salaries can take a major toll on your finances. Worse yet, this list does not even cover half of the required fees.

As a gym owner or manager, you always spend a lot of time thinking about the amount of money have to spend. It seems like there is always a bill due. You need to pay rent, utilities, staff members, insurance, and the list goes on. You probably have a list of new gym equipment that you'd like to purchase, but you hesitate to spend the money.

With interest rates at record lows, the time to invest in your business is now. For gym owners, few things are more valuable for attracting clients than new, top of the line equipment. While gym equipment can be expensive, dilapidated and worn equipment can create serious hurdles to attracting the level of business you need for success.

As a gym owner, it is crucial to understand that your gym's identity and success are often dependent on how you stock your gym. In fact, according to the IHRSA Health Club Consumer Report, eight of the top ten club attractions cited by gym members are equipment-related. That is why gym operators and owners need to realize how critical it is for them to[...]