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Purchase a Gym Franchise

Purchase a Gym Franchise

There’s no shortage of business ideas and opportunities to consider in the fitness industry. Professionals from all walks of life and various experience levels can open up their own fitness business in their chosen niche or area of expertise.

How to Choose the Right Gym Insurance Company

How to Choose the Right Gym Insurance Company

One key task that many fitness professionals overlook when they get ready to open a gym or workout center is choosing a solid gym insurance company. Insurance is an investment that no business professional should ever be without. Whether you're a trainer, facility owner, or some other type of fitness professional, NEXO Fit offers comprehensive yet[...]

Starting a Private Gym

Starting a Private Gym

If you're ready to take your fitness passion to new heights and take a walk on the business side, it might be time for you to consider opening a private gym. It's no secret that the fitness industry is full of promise and lucrative opportunities for professionals.

Running a business is not always fun, or easy and it requires a lot of hard work. At[...]

Gym Business Insurance

Gym Business Insurance

Owning a gym business means you’ll need insurance. Not just basic insurance, but the kind of insurance that is made especially for like-minded professionals like yourself. Owning a gym business means that you can’t rely on a policy that primarily mitigates perils and liabilities that are more specific to the hospitality or food and beverage industries[...]

Commercial vs. Private Gym

Commercial vs. Private Gym

What’s the difference between commercial and private gyms? If you’re trying to decide if it’s in your best interest to operate your fitness business as a commercial or private facility, it helps to have a practical understanding of what both types of gyms have to offer. Take a look at this brief comparison of commercial and private gyms.

Customized Gym Liability Insurance

Customized Gym Liability Insurance

When it comes to choosing an insurance policy, it’s best to consider ways to customize your coverage. Whether you've been in the game for a while or still testing the waters as a new gym owner, you’ll need more than a general or basic liability insurance policy. Don’t fool yourself into thinking that it’s possible to get by with a one-size-fits-all[...]

How to Choose the Best Gym Business Model for You

How to Choose the Best Gym Business Model for You

One mistake many fitness professionals make when they are just starting is spreading themselves thin and trying to do a bit of everything in hopes of success and profits. They establish class schedules, membership fees, and other strategies to get their businesses up and running while overlooking the fact that without a solid business model, they're[...]

6 Low-Cost Gym Business Models

6 Low-Cost Gym Business Models

One of the most exciting aspects of owning and managing a gym or fitness center is being in control. Of course, that power means you must comply with local and federal standards and legal requirements. An ounce of caution and some careful considerations are necessary for you to decide on the right business model.

To make it easier on yourself and get[...]

5-Step Gym Risk Assessment Checklist

5-Step Gym Risk Assessment Checklist

An important aspect of being a successful fitness or gym business owner is considering every potential risk that can impact member safety and ultimately, your facility’s reputation and operations and implementing measures to reduce them. Anything that affects guest and trainer safety, or the gym and its equipment ultimately impact the owner. To make it[...]

6 Steps in Taking Over a Gym Business

6 Steps in Taking Over a Gym Business

Taking over a gym business is not as easy as it may seem. You’ll need more than fancy equipment and a prime location to get started. Ideally, you want a viable gym with a decent size existing member base. Opening or taking over a business is a process that requires hard work, vision, persistence, ingenuity, knowledge and flexibility for growth and[...]