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What Strategies Can Gym Employers Use to Reduce Employee Health Care Costs?

What Strategies Can Gym Employers Use to Reduce Employee Health Care Costs?

Healthy employees are happy employees. Not only are they more likely to enjoy the work that they do, but they’re also more inclined to be productive and efficient with their tasks when they feel their best. Conversely, when staff members frequently miss work due to illness or injury, it has a major impact on the gym’s finances. It can lead to increased[...]

What Employee Health Benefits Should Gym Owners Provide

What Employee Health Benefits Should Gym Owners Provide

For anyone looking to succeed in the fitness business, it’s important to understand that their success lies in the well-being of their employees. Gym owners have an incredible opportunity to show just how much they appreciate their employees by championing their wellness, not just through the different services that they offer but also by providing[...]

NEXO: Reinventing Health Insurance for Gyms

NEXO: Reinventing Health Insurance for Gyms

We live in an age where physical fitness and well-being are paramount, making the role of gym owners and fitness operators increasingly vital. Every day, gym owners and fitness operators are exposed to various risks, including potential injuries on their premises, legal liabilities, and personal health concerns. As they strive to empower individuals[...]

The Connection Between Payroll and Health Insurance

The Connection Between Payroll and Health Insurance

What comes to your mind at the mention of the term insurance? For most people, it is about car insurance and personal medical insurance. What you may not know is that your business needs to be insured, as well.

Do Gym Owners Have to Offer Health Insurance Under Obamacare?

Do Gym Owners Have to Offer Health Insurance Under Obamacare?

Whether you own a small independent gym, a single franchise, or a fleet of gyms, you have an extensive to-do list. From hiring employees and setting up the work schedule to finding customers and maintaining equipment, your days are really full. As an employer, there are many regulations and laws that you must fulfill that protect your employees. You've[...]

Can a Gym Owner Deduct Health Insurance Premiums?

Can a Gym Owner Deduct Health Insurance Premiums?

For the past few decades, healthcare costs have been rising faster than inflation, with no signs of slowing down. Unfortunately, this trend leaves many companies searching for ways to save themselves money while minimizing the impact of this costly health care on their business.

Why Small Businesses like Gyms Use PEO for Employee Health Insurance

Why Small Businesses like Gyms Use PEO for Employee Health Insurance

As a small business owner or a gym manager, you always want the best benefits for your employees. One of the most requested benefits is health insurance. However, it can be a real hassle finding, enrolling, and maintaining employee health insurance. For this reason, many gym owners and small business managers opt to let a professional employer[...]

5 Reasons Why Gym Owners Choose a PEO for Health Insurance

5 Reasons Why Gym Owners Choose a PEO for Health Insurance

As the owner of a small to mid-size gym, you likely work tirelessly to achieve your revenue goals while providing customers with a safe environment to meet their fitness goals. A growing number of gym owners are discovering the key role a PEO can play in achieving both of these objectives. Below is a look at PEOs and five key reasons why gym owners[...]

Health Insurance is Here

Health Insurance is Here

Over the last three years our team has obsessed over a solution to a perplexing problem. How do we provide Health Insurance to gym owners and their trainers? We discussed internally various options that could solve the challenge, but they fell short of solving our insurance issues completely. Enter NEXOSync – a solution that allows gyms to provide[...]