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10 Proven Ways to Attract More Students to Your Jiu-Jitsu Gym

10 Proven Ways to Attract More Students to Your Jiu-Jitsu Gym

Any Jiu-Jitsu gym owner understands how important increasing their student enrollment is for the success of their business. If you’ve been struggling to increase your gym’s clientele, read on as we cover 10 proven strategies to attract more students and boost your business’s growth.

10 Proven Strategies to Boost Pilates Studio Membership

10 Proven Strategies to Boost Pilates Studio Membership

Trendy workouts tend to come and go in the fitness world, but one that’s seemingly here to stay is Pilates. With so many fitness professionals capitalizing on the rising popularity of Pilates, you may find it difficult to make your studio stand out among the competition. If you’ve found yourself in this position, this guide will outline 10 strategies[...]

Boxing Gym Insurance: Protect Your Business from Unexpected Risks!

Boxing Gym Insurance: Protect Your Business from Unexpected Risks!

With all its intensity, physical contact, and competitive nature, boxing is an inherently risky sport. That’s why running a boxing gym involves more than just providing a space for people to train and spar. It also requires proper risk management to keep clients and staff safe while protecting the business's financial stability.

How to Attract Clients to Your Pilates Studio

How to Attract Clients to Your Pilates Studio

Pilates has become a popular workout over the past few years, resulting in an increase in studios throughout the country. Pilates studios offer classes focused on the Pilates method, which is a form of exercise that was designed to improve a person’s strength and flexibility through controlled movements.

What Strategies Can Gym Employers Use to Reduce Employee Health Care Costs?

What Strategies Can Gym Employers Use to Reduce Employee Health Care Costs?

Healthy employees are happy employees. Not only are they more likely to enjoy the work that they do, but they’re also more inclined to be productive and efficient with their tasks when they feel their best. Conversely, when staff members frequently miss work due to illness or injury, it has a major impact on the gym’s finances. It can lead to increased[...]

Key Strategies to Lower Financial Risks for Jiu-Jitsu Gym Owners

Key Strategies to Lower Financial Risks for Jiu-Jitsu Gym Owners

Opening a Jiu-Jitsu gym is a significant financial endeavor. From the cost of studio rent and equipment to staffing and marketing expenses, there are several financial considerations that Jiu-Jitsu gym owners need to carefully manage. There are also financial risks inherent to running any fitness facility, and it’s important for Jiu-Jitsu gym owners to[...]

Top 9 Strategies to Implement for a Successful Jiu-Jitsu Gym

Top 9 Strategies to Implement for a Successful Jiu-Jitsu Gym

Jiu-Jitsu has become increasingly popular in recent years. Many people are attracted to the sport because of its combination of physical challenge, strategic depth, and inclusive nature. It may seem like a no-brainer to capitalize on this passion and turn it into a rewarding business venture. However, it’s a good idea to start with the basics, develop[...]

Common Challenges Pilates Studio Owners Face

Common Challenges Pilates Studio Owners Face

Pilates is a low-intensity exercise that enhances muscle tone, strength, and flexibility through repetitive movements. It was created in the early 20th century, but the workout has experienced a significant increase in popularity over the past few years. This surge is likely due to its relatively low entry barrier and physical and mental health benefits

The Benefits of Gym Insurance for Employee Happiness and Productivity

The Benefits of Gym Insurance for Employee Happiness and Productivity

A gym’s employees are one of its greatest assets. They help operations run smoothly, support clients when needed, and contribute to creating a welcoming atmosphere. Because employees do so much for the business, supporting their satisfaction in the workplace should always be a top priority. When employees are happy at work, it creates a positive[...]

Top 8 Things to Know About Opening a Pilates Studio

Top 8 Things to Know About Opening a Pilates Studio

In recent years, Pilates has become an increasingly popular form of exercise. Not only does this workout improve one’s flexibility and core strength, but it also promotes better posture and overall body awareness.